Sunday, December 12, 2010

God's Christmas Presence

A cracker of a Christmas gift...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weekend Activities

Hi guys :-)

We have a great team of students from Crossway College who are spending the week with us at TUC and have helped organise two fun evenings for the weekend!

Friday Night:
Frankfurters and Footy
5pm at Moorak St Park for footy and a BBQ and the Bronco's game at the church afterwards

Saturday night:
Chick Flick and Dessert night
7pm at the church

Soo there's something for everyone! Please come and join us for one or both of these great nights!

Hope to see you there! :-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Election Guide

The Uniting Church has put out an election guide - with the catchphrase "Your Faith, Your Vote, Your Voice". It encourages churchgoers to vote with a Christian perspective.

It's NOT about telling you who to vote for - just about looking at each of the issues from a Christian point of view. At the end it has links to the party websites if you want to see who comes closest to the Christian ideas.

PS - the uniting church election website also has a variety of other election resources

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jun 18-27 - Refugee Week

Refugee Week runs from Friday June 18 to Sunday June 27.

There's a bunch of events happening, starting with a celebration at Southbank on Friday Jun 18 and finishing with a Community Festival in Annerley on Sunday Jun 27. [Full details and event list]

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Salvos Red Shield Appeal

Today a bunch of us were out collecting donations for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal - to fund all the great stuff they do for people in need.

It was actually really good fun - and i enjoyed hearing a story from one old lady about how the Salvos helped her dad.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Commando Chaplains

So last week, ABC's Compass program showed some of what is going on in Afghanistan - through the eyes of two chaplains in the British army. It was an intriguing look at how life (and faith) take on a new dimension in the front line. Certainly quite different to village life in northern England.

You can view the episode online up until April 25 (ironically).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ice Cross

This photo was National Geographic's Photo of the Day over the Easter weekend. I've got to admire the commitment of the people involved - in less-than-pleasant conditions.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter - The Cross

A short clip about the cross - and how the very thing that was meant to destroy Jesus ended up amplifying his message.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Earth Hour Party

The Earth Hour party was a massive amount of fun. As it turned out, we innundated ourselves with fun games (by everyone bringing a couple of corkers) and Earth Hour just wasn't long enough to play them all (some games go a bit slower by candlelight). So there will probably be a sequel games night some time in the near future.

Meanwhile, why not check out some amazing Earth Hour pics.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tony Dungy

Here is the video from tonight - Tony Dungy giving an insight into what goes through the mind of an NFL coach. He talks about his time at the Buccaneers and at the Colts - and what it's like to follow Jesus at the same time. He has some great thoughts such as "How you respond to failure, how you respond to disappointment, says a lot more than how you do in successes."

But he also talks about the more spiritual aspect of his life.

My favourite passage in the bible is where Christ says "What would it profit a man to gain the whole world but forfeit his soul?" And with 31 years in the national football league I have seen that a lot.

It's a quote that Dungy lives out in his life. He sums it up with this philosophy.

Every decision I make in life I am going to make it through the lens of Jesus Christ. I'm going to put him out there first - and my own feelings, my own thoughts, my own desires are going to be second. It's that simple. And if we do that Christ promised that he would come into our lives, he'd be our head coach and he'd guide us to that victory, that ultimate victory.

Link to video