Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lent Event - For World Poverty

Whether you're someone who does Lent each year, or whether you're just someone who is concerned about world poverty, we recommend Lent Event.

The Lent Event people have put together some great resources - in particular the booklet with daily prayers / reflections for each of the 40 days.

Monday, February 7, 2011

One Difference

I saw a friend of mine drinking bottled water (when working outside on a hot day) and noticed the brand - One. The slogan "100% of our profits fund essential water projects in developing countries" inspired me to check out their website, with this clip:

Sometimes it can be difficult to find meaningful ways to follow Jesus and love your neighbour in the course of our average busy day - but i think this is one.

Of course, the ultimate would be to carry your own water bottle and donate the money you save to a great cause. But the next best thing (if you have to buy bottled water) is to support people who use profits to fund great projects like this - rather than the softdrink corporations that own bottled water.